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Can ZERO BLOND be used on previously bleached hair?No, it can not be used on previously bleached hair. As with all hair bleach products, use only on virgin hair and newly grown roots of already bleached hair. There will be no damage if bleached on virgin hair or newly grown roots of already bleached hair. The precautions are the same as for regular hair bleach products sold on the market.
Why does my hair get hot when I bleach it?It is nature for hair to become warm when bleaching. In particular, the darker and thicker the hair, the hotter it gets. This does not mean that this is true for all hair. Not everyone's hair will get hot when bleaching. You can find a detailed explanation as to why with a Google search. These phenomena apply to hair bleaching agents sold in market around the world, including our company's hair bleaching agent.
Please tell me how to bleach my hair without it getting stained.When applying bleach to a section of hair, apply it evenly and thickly so that the hair surface is not visible to avoid staining.
What color does level 10 refer to?Level 10 is a banana yellow color.
Can ash blonde hair be bleached?ASH BLONDE is not created by bleaching. These colors are made with complementary color shampoo. In order to get an ASH BLONDE , you must first bleach your hair to level 10. Afterward, rinse your hair thoroughly with water and remove any excess moisture with your hands. Do not towel-dry, but thoroughly squeeze out any excess moisture with your hands. Then, using 3 times the amount of regular shampoo you would normally use, apply complementary color shampoo to your hair. Massage evenly to avoid staining your hair with the purple color. When foam forms, remove the foam with your hands. Using 3 times the amount of shampoo you normally use, apply the complementary color shampoo once more. When foam forms, leave it on for about 10 minutes and rinse. Your hair will become ash blonde. Once your hair is ash blonde, use regular shampoo and hair treatment.
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